C++ Projects
AI Engine
Tech Stack: C++, OpenFrameworks.cc
An AI Engine which includes implementations of AI agent behaviors like Dynamic movement behaviors, pathfinding algorithms like A* & Dijkstra's for abstraction schemes like tilegraphs and state machines for realistic AI Behavior.
3D Game Engine
Tech Stack: C++, Lua, Direct3D, OpenGL
A 3D game engine built upon ECS architecture that utilizes multithreading capabilities. I introduced cross-platform support and developed modular systems like Camera, Physics, Collision, Audio & Maya mesh exporter.
2D Game Engine
Tech Stack: C++, JSON
A 2D game engine that encompasses modular systems like memory manager, numerical integration, AABB Collision system, gameobjects, job system & JSON integration for seamless loading of assets.
Memory Manager
Tech Stack: C++
A custom memory manager that employs data structures like Bit Arrays, Linked Lists that helped in implementation of Arena Allocators and Fixed Size Allocators to reduce potential issues like memory fragmentation.