Urban Nightmare
Quick Time Event System
Two major systems:
Collapsing Buildings​
Wall Obstacles
Collapsing Buildings​
Wall obstacles
Collapsing Buidling
Utilizing dot-product to determine whether the player is to the left or right of the building
vector_to_player = player.position - bldg.position​
forward_vector_bldg = bldg.forwardvector
Take dot product of both vectors above
If result > 0, player is to the right
If result < 0, player to the left
To make the bldg fall, I am simply adding an impulse based on direction.
Wall obstacles
Utilizing dot-product to determine whether the player is to the left or right of the wall​
Once the position of the player is determined, I am changing its position by a number which the designers can tweak within the editor according to their need.
I am also determining the velocity of the player when its near the wall. The wall will only shoot itself if the player enter the collision with a certain velocity. This can also be tweaked by the designers.
Game Mechanics
Two major systems:
Checkpoint System
Hazardous Gameobjects
Checkpoint System
Harzardous Street Lamps
Checkpoint System
Utilizing Unreal Engine's game instance
A Checkpoint Actor variable in the game instance stores information about the last checkpoint
When the player, overlaps with the checkpoint actor, the checkpoint variable in the game instance gets set to the overlapped actor.
Everytime the player needs to respawned, the checkpoint variable in the game instance is used as a reference, and the player is spawned at that Checkpoint's world location.
The Checkpoint actor has a reference static mesh which helps with the direction that player should face when respawned. Just match the rotation to the reference's rotation.
What should happen if the player triggers a checkpoint at an earlier point in the level after having already triggered a checkpoint further ahead in the same level?​
Dot Product: Recording the checkpoint info only if the player and the Checkpoint face each other when the overlap happens.​
Street lamps hazards
Utilizing sine-functions for the pendulum motion of the lamp.
The lamp has a hidden child mesh that detects if the player has overlapped.
Once the player starts overlapping, I calculate the "Look At Rotation"
​Calculate the direction vector from the start position to the target position
Calculate the yaw rotation (rotation around the up axis) using FMath::Atan2(Direction.Y, Direction.X). This function calculates the angle (in radians) between the positive X-axis and the direction vector projected onto the XY plane.
Calculate the pitch rotation (rotation around the right axis) using FMath::Acos(FVector::DotProduct(Direction, Up)). This function calculates the angle (in radians) between the direction vector and the up vector (assumed to be (0, 0, 1)).
Negate the pitch rotation if the target position is below the start position (the direction vector has a negative Z component).
Create and return a FRotator instance with the calculated pitch, yaw, and roll (set to 0.0f) values